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Home Remedies For Heart Disease

Heart disease is usually describes as heart is not functioning well. It is a condition of blockage in the arteries or the storage of plaques of fatty material on inner walls of arteries. This is also called as atherosclerosis.

How To Cure Dizziness Vertigo At Home

Dizziness or Vertigo is a balance disorder caused by damages the posterior semi circular canal of the inner ear or due to dysfunction of the vestibular system. It is also refers as a whirling or spinning condition.

Home Remedies For Painful Knee Joints or osteoarthritis

The painful Knee Joints or Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common health disorder for many people worldwide. Usually it is an inflammatory disease with bone damaged or loss of cartilage. Symptoms may include tenderness, intolerable pain in joints, stiffness, locking, and sometimes an effusion.…

Home Remedies For Dandruff

Many people are suffering from dandruff and despite taking many medicines, but they can't able to cure. Therefore, In this post we are discussing about the causes and herbal remedies to cure of this problem.

Home Remedies for Gray Hair & Hair Fall

Graying of hair and hair fall is common disorder, occurs with aging. Many people have trouble by these diseases. Therefore, In this article we are talking about a tremendous and magical method to get cure.

Home Remedies For Hair Fall

Hair fall is also known as Hair loss or baldness. It's a condition of loss of hair from head or body. Baldness can refer to general hair loss because it's generally occurs with aging because some baldness is defined in various types and caused by alopecia areata, autoimmune disor…

What's Ayurveda And Philosophy Of Ayurveda

Ayurveda is an ancient medical science and to discovery of Aurveda all credit goes to India.The word, Ayurveda is composed of two words of Sanskrit:- Ayur (meaning life) and Veda (meaning knowledge). Ayurveda is a medical science of ancient India. It deals with matters relating to health…